When we speak of harmony, it means a balance between meeting our needs and surroundings. Surroundings include our own body and mind, our family, local community, national and international community…
Vedic Dharma is based on the essential teachings of the Vedas and how we should live based on them i.e. practice them, in order to find peace, happiness, harmony and…
Everyone in life wants to be happy. Unfortunately, happiness and unhappiness are two sides of the same coin. Vedic scriptures clearly state that lasting happiness is a state of aananda,…
Sage Patanjali defines it as “Yogaschitta vritti nirodhah” or to control the faculties of mind/Chitta”. The basic concept of yoga as per Sage Patanjali consists of 8 steps/parts/stages. Through aasanaas,…
Definition: Yoga can be defined as "control the faculties of the mind (chitta)". Sage Patanjali defines it as “Yogaschitta vritti nirodhah” or to control the faculties of mind/Chitta”. Scriptures, including…
Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga Balvir Acharya Yoga is control of the fluctuation of the mind, then establishment of the jivatma (human soul) in its own self leading to the realization of…
Abstract 21st century holds a unique place for yoga and the reason for that could be searched for in the increasing cases of the mental health and other physical elements.…
The Vedas have been firmly established as the oldest knowledge known to us. The teachings of sage Manu are based on Vedic principles. The Vedas do not contain any reference…
Maharși Dayānanda was the first to give a clarion call for Indian independence in the modern era and he spelt out the roadmap for a new resurgent India. He said…